I just graduated high school last three weeks. I will be opening another new door in my life. I will be writing another chapter in my book. I will add new notes to my composition. I will be creating another path for me to explore, to discover and to improve.
I will be going to college.
Truthfully, I don't think I'm that ready to step into that new world. The world which I think is suited for adults and for mature people. I don't think I have the confidence to go into the world where everything seems so far out of my reach. Yesterday, I felt like I was still in high school. Now, that I think about it, I am already out of high school. Yesterday, I felt like I was still enjoying my high school days. Now, as I face reality, I am so out of my high school days.
It seems everything was like yesterday. But I shouldn't worry because yesterday was yesterday, today is a new day. Right?