Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Woman in the Forest

Deep down in forest of Arca, there lived a woman inside a small cottage. This small cottage was a few meters away from the river and was surrounded by lush patches of greenery. To reach this particular cottage, one must first journey days into the woods. No one, not even the king's most elite men have reached this cottage. No one has dared to step into the deep dark forest Arca where unknown species clamor into the night.

The woman who lived deep inside the forest has been in seclusion for as long as she can remember. Waking up inside the cottage was her earliest memory of her childhood. 

The bright light slipping into the wooden cracks of the cottage and the chirping of the birds have roused her from a deep sleep. Seeing no reason for hurry, she continued to lounge on her small cot, tossing and turning to think about her day's chores. After realizing that no changes can be made to her chores, she continued to imagine what life would be outside this cottage. She once dreamt of being swept away by a handsome knight riding on a white horse. 

She sits in front of the wooden door after doing her chores, waiting, always waiting. Hoping that after all these years, someone can find her in this deep forest. However, the harsh reality sits in front her. Several days pass and the light that shined in her eyes continued to dim. The light continued to dim until it died out.

The woman who waits each passing day for hope has been reduced to skin and bones until she succumbed to eternal darkness, sleeping without even knowing the joys of life. 

Rock on the Shore

The rock on the shore sits still,
Unmovable by the wind,
Unaffected by the waves,
Surrounded by people
Yet remains still

Hundreds of year later,
The rock slowly chips away
Pieces fall into the dreary ocean
Floating along with the waves
Then sinking on the deep ocean floor.

August 11, 2015