Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Way of Thinking

All right. Teachers say that, "Cheating is not an art, it is an insult to ones intellect." How can that be possible?When you cheat you still use your intellect, right? 

I am not that much of a cheater but I believe that cheating is complicated and it requires strategies and various techniques. You may think I am weird and idiotic but my revolutionary mind tells me that teachers should be happy when their students cheat during an exam. 


I believe that when students cheat, they want to get a higher grade. After all the purpose of cheating is achieving a better grade. So if a student wants to get a higher grade no matter what the method is called PERSEVERANCE and OPEN-MINDEDNESS. 

Perseverance is trying hard while open-mindedness is opening to different possibilities. These virtues are present in cheating. 

Well, there are a lot of ways to cheat. But too much cheating is bad and irritating to other people. Well based from my observations, some people are jealous of cheaters. They envy the cheaters because they can be QUICK and ACCURATE at the same time. Amazing, right?? 

Everybody is a cheater in their own way. Cheating is not that easy but still it requires effort. Effort can be reflected in the strategy of the cheater.

I may sound I am defending the cheaters. But remember everyone is a cheater, so meaning I am defending everyone in this planet.



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